Bio Hackers, Keto Dieters & Anti-Aging Fans
attention: Bio Hackers, Keto Dieters & Anti-Aging Fans
Bio Hackers, Keto Dieters & Anti-Aging Fans

What If You Could...

"Reverse Your Metabolic Age

by up to 10 Years in 12 Months?"  

... With Simple Things You Can Start Right Away?!?  

Finally!  Learn how to pursue "Extreme Health & Wellness" at the: 
"Reverse Aging Revealed" Virtual Summit!!
EXPERTS Share Their SECRETS of how to kick-start the process in just ONE MONTH!
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
From: Angela Hopkins
Date: Monday, May 1, 2023

Subject: The Secret to "Superhuman" Health that Big Pharma Doesn't Want You to Know About...
Dear Bio Hackers, Keto Dieters, Water Fasters, and Fans of Anti-Aging anything,

Have you ever wished there was a way for you to look and feel great without so much work? 

HAVE YOU ever Wished there was a way to REVERSE AGING???

If you want to be living in the healthiest body possible, with virtually no effort, or even if you just want to get to autophagy without having to do another crazy diet, then this is the most important letter you'll read all year! 

Here's why...

you might be able to be in the best health of your life -- at a cellular level -- Or Even Reserve Your Metabolic Age -- with new technologies and healthy lifestyle choices...

... and restore your health, feel better, grow more muscle, lose weight, stop ongoing discomfort, purge damaged cells, and reverse aging!!  Like thousands of others have already! 

"I tried every diet under the sun before this... and only gained weight. I almost gave up... but then I found this method... and lost 50 pounds in 5 months, without any new diet or exercise!!! It was so easy! I look and feel better. And I get compliments all the time."

- Jane D.

Here's How and Why I CAN Share This...

People already testified that they reversed their "metabolic age" by 10+ years using simple-to-action methods, like those shared in the "Reverse Aging Revealed" Virtual Sumit.  I'll share more testimonials later... but first... 
My name is Angela Hopkins, the founder of Patch Happy Club, and the first in my family to start using some of these methods.  
It was only a few months ago that I was struggling with my own health.  Decades ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.  It was horrible.  I was in nearly constant discomfort, my arms, hands, legs, and feet hurt seemingly nonstop.  My muscles hurt, and I had debilitating fatigue.  Along with a myriad of other conditions, including a pituitary tumor, high cholesterol, and more.  All I wanted was to live a day without discomfort and to feel good again. 
Although I was seen by many medical professionals, I could not find workable solutions except more and more medications causing more and more side effects and introducing new problems. This was disturbing and frustrating.  I was even wheelchair bound for nearly two years and was working online from my bed several months at a time during my worst periods. NONE of this was getting better, just a continuous decline overall.

Sometimes, I'd even get minor Improvements, but they were small and short lived.... but then things got worse...

My husband was hospitalized for pneumonia and while in the hospital, his treatments put his liver through more than it could handle and suddenly he needed an immediate liver transplant.  

It was almost unbearable to get through each day of the unbelievable suffering and watching his condition decline and try to find ways to be able to support his needs until we could get his new liver.  I could barely manage my own care.

We were living everyday in distress and hopelessness.

I needed a solution fast for my own health so I could properly care for my husband during and post his Liver transplant.

I knew how critically important it was for me to find actual solutions to our debilitating and declining conditions.  Even after his liver transplant, my husband had to endure more seemingly unmanageable and sometimes untreatable conditions.

This may be similar to your situation.  I had a series of wellness problems... I tried every thing under the sun -- "Western" and "Eastern medicine" -- Nothing was too WHACKY for me to consider.  

Our journey was long and is not over! But it was incredibly restorative.  My husband is now 7 years post-transplant and doing well. And I live almost completely discomfort free and exercise every day!  Today, nearly all of our wellness conditions have improved or reversed.  For example, I currently have normal cholesterol with no medicine.  My husband’s diabetes has gone from unmanageable with medicine to manageable with less medicine. And improving daily.

We now are living healthier lives and know that as we continue this journey, we will be healthier than we have been in decades. (Which shows in our own “metabolic age” testing.)
And so much extreme health is in our future!

We Want to share what we learned with You!

We learned how to regain our health, despite these issues, and live our best wellness… we did that through advanced wellness content such as biohacking, anti-aging, reverse aging, stem cell regeneration, exercise, diet, and other productive methodologies… blending from “Modern Science” with “Ancient Medicine Practices” – we found ways to achieve wellness beyond our hopes and expectations – through methods like those you'll learn about in the "Reverse Aging Revealed" Virtual Summit – and we feel compelled to share these messages with you.

That is how I came to create this very informative summit for you.  

With all the incredible lessons the experts will share, we are on a path to living our best wellness -- beyond our imagination AND beyond what the professionals said could be -- and I MUST SHARE WITH OTHERS.  And we want that possibility for you, too! 
I put together an fantastic lineup of speakers -- EXPERTS in their field -- to share the possibility and potential to achieve Extreme Wellness, Reverse Aging, biohacking, and more... to be able to achieve and enjoy wellbeing like never before with metabolic health beyond the ordinary.

With Wellness experts Sharing Their Secrets!!!

We have been using methods to calculate METABOLIC AGE on ourselves, our friends, our family, and others…

 ... and using these methods, we have shown as much as 10 years reversal in metabolic age in under 12 months… 
so we KNOW it CAN BE DONE!!

I found lots of hard-to-find methods that helped me to REVERSE over 30 YEARS of DISCOMFORT and physical SUFFERING!  And I have my life back!  The benefits are too great to list... 

But I immediately started sharing it with my family and friends.  And they got results, too! 

I even used some methods on my elderly dog -- Amiee -- who was nearly blind... and now she jumps around the house, keeping up with my new puppy!  

The "REVERSE AGING REVEALED" Virtual  Summit will show you lots of methods.  


Virtual  Summit will show you lots of methods.  

We'll have guest speakers, such as doctors, scientists, nutritionists, fitness gurus, personal trainers, health and wellness coaches, holistic medicine practitioners, testimonials, and other experts on how to use various methods for wellness and feeling great, that you can apply to your life and see what wellness is possible for you. 

Limited time only! 

3 days of amazing Experts:

Gain invaluable insights from 30 esteemed experts and gurus across various fields as they generously share their profound wisdom for achieving success in health, wellness, and longevity. 

Prepare to discover a wealth of knowledge that can transform your life, empowering you to prioritize your well-being, optimize your vitality, and unlock the path to a fulfilling and vibrant existence.

Sneak Peak of Speakers: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3

  • Medical Doctors
  • ​Chiropractors
  • Scientists 
  • Nutritionists 
  • ​Personal Trainers 
  • ​Fitness Gurus
  • ​Inventors
  • Bodybuilding Competitors
  • ​Chefs 
  • Health and Wellness Coaches
  • ​Holistic Medicine Practitioners 
  • ​Wellness Coaches 
  • ​Skincare Experts
  • ​Meditation Guides
  • ​Self-Help and Motivational Teachers
  • ​Current Users of These Methods
  • ​Testimonials
  • ​... and so much more!!! 

    It's A collection of What I Learned That both Western & Eastern Medicine Practitioners agree on!!! 

    People have gotten so many results... here are just a few examples of people.  Look how much younger they look! 

    But the best part is how great and healthy they feel!!

    "Since I've been following just some of the methods recommended in the Reverse Aging framework that Angela shares, I've lost weight, I have more energy, and I take less medications daily.  And that was only in a few short months.  The results are so good, I'm considering using more of the methods."

    - Jim H.

    ... And this is just the tip of the iceberg of What You will get... 

    • ​Discover how easy it is to LOOK & FEEL YOUNGER, without medicine or expensive surgery. 
    • ​Learn the best modern, scientific clinical methods available and how to assess them, if you choose medical options. 
    • ​Discover methods safe enough for children.
    • ​Learn methods you can use on your pets. 
    • Some methods are so simple to use, it's easier than Ikea instructions. 
    • Learn about natural discomfort relief methods, so beneficial that even horses feel immediate relief within minutes (from just one of the methods you'll learn about in the summit.  (And horses never lie!)
    • Discover ways to activate stem cells and telomers naturally. 
    • ​Learn new ways to think about food and nutrition that you can apply immediately. 
    • ​And so much more...
    I was nervous I thought the answers would be all over the place.  I had no idea if there would be any through line.

    But as I started reading the results, I realized something amazing.  They all had a unique take and twist on what they would do... meditation, exercise, diet, homeopathic, vitamins, and so much more... 

    But they all had ONE THING in common!!  This one thing was they KEY, the said. The single most important thing.  

    They shared stories from their own lives, their friends and family, and their clients.  It was amazing!!! 

    I collected all that together for you... I created WELLNESS ROADMAPS... of how to use this method for different conditions & what to pair it with to supercharge results.  

    "Do the basics over and over and you will succeed."

    - David Schmidt, Inventor and Founder of LifeWave

    • You might start feeling and looking so much younger, that people will ask you what's your secret! 
    • ​These methods may help you feel better and look better, so  you'll feel more confident. 
    • ​You could feel so great about how you look and feel that you might be willing to start a new Instagram!! 

    So Here's The Bottom Line With 

    the "Reverse Aging Revealed" 
    Virtual Summit

    From Patch HappY

    You'll learn how to bio hack your body, get your body into autophagy (without dieting or water fasting or keto) and how to activate stem cells to reverse metabolic aging.  (But if you're into water fasting or keto, you can still do that... we'll show you how to enhance your results!)

    Come to the FREE 3-day summit and find out how.

    This will be both an introductory into so many ways to wellness and a deep dive into some topics, like never before.  

    You get all 3 days -- 30+ interviews and discussions, lots of bonuses, & hear testimonials --- all of this for FREE... for a limited time only!!! 

    But Let Me Sweeten The Pot For You Even More With These Instant Bonuses For Acting Now...

    Bonus: Wellness Roadmaps 
    30 Wellness Roadmaps that were created from the content that the experts shared... from medical practitioners, fitness gurus, homeopathic experts, users, testimonials, and so much more...  to help you get started on your personal journey to your best health and wellness. 

    Real Value: Priceless $$

    There are similar "Quick Start" guides on topics from Excel Spreadsheets to Gemstones.  There are even some on Anatomy and Medical Terminology.  They sell at stores like Amazon for $7 each, which would be over $200 for 30 guides.  

    But there are NO other guides quite like these ones.  I haven't seen anything like these before, a collection of wellness roadmaps created from the content of such a wide variety of experts on health and wellness. 

    These PDF versions are invaluable, if you use them and reverse your metabolic age, then they are simply PRICELESS... but they're yours FREE when you act now!  

    And you have nothing to lose because... 

    the "Reverse Aging Revealed" Summit
    is FREE for a Limited time!!!

    As you can see all the risk is squarely on my shoulders, so....
    Go ahead and click the order link now and you'll be on your way to enjoying all the benefits we've talked about here and more! Let's get started right now! 

    as you know, from my story above, I was aging pre-maturely.  I wanted to turn the clock back... and achieve my best health... but how?

    I figured, the best way to know was to ask the BEST experts on the subject.  Experts in their specific field that related to reversing aging and optimizing health and wellness, with a specific focus on the most homeopath and the most scientifically proven clinical options.  

    So, I figured I'd ask them... but then I had an even BETTER IDEA... What if I asked them to share with YOU, too!?!?!

    So, I got up my nerve, searched for the experts, wrote a letter to each one... and clicked send.  

    (It looked something like this...)

    "Hey <Wellness Guru>,

    Let me ask you a question...

    What if you could... 'Reverse Your Age by up to 10 Years in 12 Months' what simple things you can start this month!!!???

    I put together an incredible lineup of speakers to share the possibility and potential to achieve EXTEREME HEEALTH, Reverse Aging, biohacking, and to be able to achieve and enjoy wellbeing like never before with metabolic health beyond the ordinary. 

    Your expert knowledge and your content fits naturally into the theme of this event.  

    Would you be willing to share your expert knowledge and methods that may 'Reverse Metabolic Age' by about 10 years in as little as 12 months starting 'this month' with watch measurable results along the way?

    Each day will dive into 10 subtopics related to the day's theme and overall theme of biohacking and reversing the body's metabolic age."

    - Angela Hopkins

    Then I waited.... 

    ..tick, tick, tick...

    What would happen?

    I Wanted To Know EXACTLY What They Would Do To Get back to their best body Immediately...

    I was nervous --- then something amazing happened... they answered...

    They said yes!!!
    they agreed to share their best Expertise... in an interview with me to share with you!

    I was nervous I thought the answers would be all over the place.  I had no idea if there would be any through line.

    But as I started reading the results, I realized something amazing.  They all had a unique take and twist on what they would do... meditation, exercise, diet, homeopathic, vitamins, medical assistance (backed by scientific research), and so much more... 

    But they all had ONE THING in common!!  This one thing was they KEY, the said. The single most important thing.  

    They shared stories from their own lives, their friends and family, and their clients.  It was amazing!!! 

    I collected all that together for you... I organized it into simple, step-by-step actions... of how to use the method for different conditions & what to pair it with to supercharge results.  

    I Organized the details of what they would adviSe in a simple, step by step daily or weekly process!  
    Like "Wellness Roadmaps"

    These were not quick interviews, but detailed information and plans -- 

    Some SURPRISED ME...

    ...And Others SHOCKED ME...

    And Knowing What They KNOW NOW, Exactly What They Would Do If They HAD explain how TO START OVER... WAS INCREDIBLY INSIGHTFUL... 

    Many of them actually has similar experiences themselves or watched close family or friends go through experiences like mine... and they started the journey to wellness like I did... and they became EXPERTS... doctors, researchers, competitive athletes, and more...  

    And now they're willing to share their BEST ROADMAPS in THIS 3-DAY SUMMIT!! 
    I wish I had even one of these 30 years ago... it would have saved me SO much time and money!!!  I could have had a different life!  And I want you to avoid losing any more of your time or life to pain or health struggles...  

    Everyone Who Ever Tried ANY bio-hack, any diet, any anti-aging product or service...

    Needs These Wellness Roadmaps.

    At first I planned on selling them…

    But because of what I know they are worth, and how much I would have to charge if I were to sell them…

    I knew that if I did, the people who needed them the MOST, wouldn’t be able to afford them.

    So, I Asked Them Something Crazy...

    Would You Be Willing To Share This With Everyone…
    FOR FREE!?!

    I imagined they would think I was little crazy…  or they would not be willing to share... some of them get paid thousands of dollars per hour for similar interviews!!! 

    But then one said Yes…

    And then another!  And another!!! 

    And Soon EVERYONE Agreed TO SHARE & MAKE A Video Interview TO Walk You Through Their Methods!!

    So, WHO were the ones who were generous enough to agree to help serve you at their HIGHEST level… so you can get limited-time access to these interviews!?!  See the list below!! It's so incredible!!!
    P. S. This is the first time so many experts from so many fields are coming together to help you learn how to reverse aging, holistically, restore your health and wellness from stubborn uncomfortable conditions, and activate stem cells. 

    The summit is FREE, but each day is only available for 24 hours. So once they are gone, they are gone. So be sure to WATCH while they are live.

    (Your Wellness Roadmap PDFs will be available for download at the summit!) 

    Expert Speakers & Event Schedule

    dAY 1

    Restore Balance and Well-Being
    cELLULAR dETOXING & Increasing Energy

    Sneak Peek of Speakers: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3

    The Reverse Aging Revealed Summit was created to help others unlock their health potential through the secrets the host, Angela Hopkins, learned along her personal journey from reverse aging researchers, bio hackers, and health and wellness experts. She invited 30 experts to share their best secrets to help others strive for more youthful living, optimal health, longevity, and wellness. 

    Day 1 Expert Speakers  share  methods for restoring balance, removing toxins, even at a cellular level, to "clean out" the negativity in the body and mind.  This will prepare the body to replace, regenerate, and rebuild healthier options for our wellness. 

    Angela Hopkins

    Patch Happy Founder & 
    Host of the Reverse Aging Revealed Summit
    "Your Wellness is Our Priority" 
    Angela became a Health & Wellness Ambassador after a long personal journey to help her family, friends, and herself reverse premature metabolic aging and achieve the possibility of Extreme Health and Wellness.  

    She created the Reverse Aging Revealed Summit to help others unlock their health potential through the secrets she learned along her journey from reverse aging researchers, bio hackers, and health and wellness experts.  She invited 30 experts to share their best secrets to help others strive for more youthful living, optimal health, longevity, and wellness. 

    Day 1 Expert Speakers  will share  methods for restoring balance, removing toxins, even at a cellular level, to "clean out" the negativity in the body and mind.  This will prepare the body to replace, regenerate, and rebuild healthier options for our wellness. 

    Angela Hopkins

    Host of the Reverse Aging Revealed Summit
    "Your Wellness is Our Priority" 
    Angela became a Health & Wellness Ambassador after a long personal journey to help her family, friends, and herself reverse premature metabolic aging and achieve the possibility of Extreme Health and Wellness.  

    Derrick Boles

    Derrick "UnstoppaBoles"
    Motivational Speaker, Basketball Coach
    "Courage" is very special to me. I have it on my license plate. It's in the title of my book. 
    Derrick has a unique skill in his ability to reach diverse audiences, speaking to more than 100,00 people in 2015. These are just a few of the hundreds of schools and school districts agencies, businesses, law enforcement agencies and corporations that Derrick has inspired, motivated, and lead into greater health and vibrancy. 

    Dr. Vincent Esposito, Ms, DC

    Board Certified Chiropractor trained in
    Holistic Methods, Nutrition & Herbal Medicine 
    "We all deserve long lives full of health and vitality. "
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    Savy Vargas

    Detox Specialist, Massage Therapist, and Lymphatic Iridology Practitioner
    "People need to get on doing what they are actually meant to do and then it never feels like work.  
    It's a joyful life that you're living."
    Savy is a dedicated wellness practitioner specializing in detoxification.  With a passion for helping individuals achieve optimal well-being, Savy employs a unique approach that combines detoxification techniques with the use of light frequency patches for tissue regeneration, specifically with stem-cell activation patches. He aims to support the body's natural healing processes.

    Savy holds certifications in functional corrective exercise from NASM and ISSA, with a specialization in Women's and Senior fitness. This comprehensive training allows Savy to tailor exercise programs that address specific needs.

    With a focus on massage therapy and essential oils, Savy creates a soothing and rejuvenating experience for clients, promoting relaxation and balance. He practices Lymphatic Iridology, utilizing iris examination to assess the lymphatic system and develop personalized strategies for well-being. 

    As a certified Nutritional Coach with Food Matters Institute, Savy guides clients in making informed dietary choices and achieving optimal nutrition. 

    With a holistic approach and personalized care, helps clients unlock their full potential and achieve vibrant health.

    Guest Speaker

    Super Awesome 
    "Cool Quote"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    Marianne Noad

    Super Awesome
    "Cool Quote"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    GUEST speaker

    Super Awesome
    "Cool Quote"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    Dr. Staci Holweger

    Super Awesome
    "Cool Quote"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    Dr. Taylor Krick, SBc, DC

    Board Certified Chiropractor & 
    Host of the "AutoImmune Doc" podcast
    "I believe that with [any] health problem... when you understand the MECHANISMS behind the WHY... the solutions become more obvious."
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    Guest speaker

    Super Awesome
    "Cool Quote"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    Charlene Eld

    Super Awesome
    "Cool Quote"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.


    Register Now And Learn How In Just 3 Days!
    00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
    00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

    dAY 2

    Rejuvenate Your Body for Longevity & Vitality

    Sneak Peek of Speakers: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3

    Lifestyle choices play a crucial role in well-being, longevity, and digestive health. Conscious decisions can improve our overall quality of life, which includes regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep for optimization.

    Modern medicine has made impressive advances to help us with achieve our optimal health, which includes methods to regenerate stem cells and lengthen telomeres. When we work collaboratively and holistically in partnership with our health and wellness advisors, our health, wellness, and longevity wins. 

    Day 2 Expert Speakers share powerful homeopathic, lifestyle, and clinical methods toward optimal health and wellness and reversing the metabolic clock. So no matter where you are in the journey, there will be something incredible to learn today!

    Angela Hopkins

    Founder of Patch Happy Club
    "Your biological age ticks on, but your metabolic age is yours to conquer."
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    Victoria Poppe

    Super Awesome
    "Cool Quote"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    Dr. Joy Kong, MD

    Regenerative medicine & anti-aging expert.  "Stem Cell Doctor of the Decade"

    Founder of Uplyft Longevity Center
    I am very passionate about regenerative medicine, and believe it is the medicine of the future. 
     Joy Kong , M. D., is a highly accomplished physician, trained at UCLA and triple board-certified in Psychiatry & Neurology, Addiction Medicine, and Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine. As the president of Uplyft Longevity Center in Los Angeles, California, she specializes in holistic approaches to health, including stem cell therapy and ketamine therapy, aiming to enhance overall well-being and tap into the body's regenerative potentials.

    Dr. Kong is a strong advocate for advancing the field of stem cell therapy through education. She founded the American Academy of Integrative Cell Therapy, providing training to physicians on safe protocols and the clinical evidence behind stem cell therapy. She holds positions as a board member of the American Association of Stem Cell Physicians and a faculty member of the Medical Wellness Association. With a commitment to high-quality clinical research, Dr. Kong actively conducts studies and publishes in scientific journals.

    Additionally, Dr. Kong is the founder and CEO of Chara Biologics, a company dedicated to providing cutting-edge regenerative medicine products. Her patent-pending formulation has been recognized for its potency and comprehensiveness, earning her prestigious accolades such as "Top Doctor of the Year in Stem Cell Therapy" and "Empowered Woman of the Year." Her memoir, "Tiger of Beijing," has received widespread interest and was honored as the "2020 Book of the Year." Dr. Kong's notable achievements have also led to her inclusion in publications alongside influential figures like Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra, and Maya Angelou.

    Guest speaker

    Super Awesome
    "Cool Quote"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    David Cruz

    The Ketogenic Reset
    "Cool Quote"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    Dr. jon m. Harmon

    Board Certified Chiropractor, Board Certified Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback, 

    President of Clear Mind Center, 
    Executive Director of Lifewave
    "Cool Quote"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    Beth MAcLane

    Super Awesome
    "Cool Quote"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    Kathleen Karlsen

    Super Awesome
    "Cool Quote"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    Paige Sheffield

    Super Awesome
    "Cool Quote"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    DR. Amy McKenzie

    Super Awesome
    "Cool Quote"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    Marci Preble

    Super Awesome
    "Cool Quote"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    Learn How To "Reverse Your Age" 

    Register Now And Learn How In Just 3 Days!
    00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
    00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

    dAY 3

    Transcend STRESS & 
    Transform Your eNVIRONMENT

    Sneak Peek of Speakers: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3

    We can remove some stressors from our environment through our lifestyle choices. Other stress we must learn to manage or transform. Stress management is essential for our well-being and mental health. By practicing techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and engaging in enjoyable activities, we can reduce stress and promote relaxation, fostering a sense of calm and inner peace.  

    Day 3 Expert Speakers share powerful methods for removing stress, avoiding stress, and transforming distress into eustress  to maintain the health and wellness we learned to achieve in Days 1 and 2.  Relax and Enjoy! 

    Angela Hopkins

    "I AM Possible"
    "Simple, little things, done repeatedly,  make tremendous differences in your life."
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    Tom Kearin

    Life Coach
    Founder of Be Something Wonderful, 
    "Suddenly what you have been just isn't good enough.  You were born to be great, to be something wonderful."
    Tom Kearin, an influential author and captivating speaker, is on a profound mission to awaken and guide individuals towards their true potential. 

    With his powerful and concise style, Tom invites audiences to embark on a transformative journey through his captivating message of Be Something Wonderful. 

    He imparts an uplifting and contagious energy, leaving listeners inspired to expand beyond their current realities. 

    With a unique blend of spirituality and quantum physics, Tom unveils the profound connection between the creative energy of the universe and our individual potential. 

    Prepare to be moved, transformed, and inspired as you embrace the call to greatness that lies within you through his speaking engagements.

    Elizabeth Brown

    Ms. Health & Fitness Finalist 2023
    "I love connecting with people for personal growth and inspiration."
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    Valerie loe

    Master Vegan & Raw Vegan Chef
    "Cool Quote"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    Katie Packwood

    Super Awesome
    "Cool Quote"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    prof. Livia Kohn, Phd

    Super Awesome
    "Cool Quote"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    Guest Speaker

    Super Awesome
    "Cool Quote"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    Debra Nathanson

    Super Awesome
    "Cool Quote"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    Peter Ngo

    Super Awesome
    "Cool Quote"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    Midge Woods

    Super Awesome
    "Cool Quote"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.

    Megan Sillito

    Super Awesome
    "Cool Quote"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam.



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